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Sexual Health & Sexual Rights For All


No âmbito da reunião da WAS – World Association for Sexual Health no Porto, decorre uma sessão de acesso livre dedicada à temática Sexual Health & Sexual Rights For All.

A sessão acontece na Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, no dia 13 de outubro, entre as 14h00 e as 15h00.

A entrada é gratuita, mas exige inscrição através do formulário online.



  • Maria de Fátima Marinho, Vice-Reitora das Relações Externas e Cultura, UPorto
  • Maria Emília Costa, Presidente do Conselho Científico da FPCEUP


  • Francisco Allen Gomes, Fundador da Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia Clínica *
  • António Pacheco Palha, antigo presidente da European Federation of Sexology *


  • Pedro Nobre (Portugal), Presidente da WAS

World Association for Sexual Health: Mission Statement & Main Goals

  • Esther Corona (México), Vice-Presidente da WAS

Sexual Rights across the World

  • Alain Giami (França), Presidente da Comissão Científica da WAS

Sexual Health across the World

  • Ítor Finotelli (Brasil), Secretário Geral e Tesoureiro da WAS

The Legacy of Sexology

* por confirmar



The World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) promotes sexual health through the world by developing and supporting sexology and sexual rights for all. Our membership represents more than one hundred organizations from the five continents and thousands of experienced and trainee sexologists from a variety of disciplines.

Sexual health is a central dimension of overall health and wellness and a fundamental area in people’s lives. The concept of sexual health is also closely associated with the idea of sexual rights. Everyone is entitled to have a satisfying sex life, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. The World Association of Sexual Health in its Sexual Rights Declaration(WAS, 2014) emphasizes the idea that sexual rights are essential to the full expression of sexual health and are based on universal human rights.


Para mais informação, consulte a página da Universidade do Porto.

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