ICEX Project

This project intends to contribute to improving migrants’ sexual health and well-being.

Project Methodology: Research-Action


  • Develop educational interventions in sexual health education for adult migrants;
  • Improve professionals’ knowledge of educational interventions in sex education for adult migrants.
  • Develop an educational package for sexual health education for adult migrants.


The study “Innovative and Culturally Sensitive Educational Package for Migrant Sexual Health Education -ICEX” aims to identify the sexual health knowledge of professionals working with migrants, the teaching skills of sexual health education professionals and the content and method needs for sexual health education for migrants.

The study is coordinated by Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS), Finland, in a European consortium with the following higher education institutions: Lisbon College of Nursing (ESEL), Portugal; University of Westa Attica (UNIWA), Greece; and the following non-governmental organizations: KMOP – Education and Innovation Hub (Grécia), APF – Associação de Planeamento Familiar (Portugal) e Estonian Refugee Council (ERC) (Estónia).


Erasmus+ Program